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Protect the eggs from your predators

Command an arsenal of mobile defending segments to stop an army of predators from reaching your eggs. Each unit will follow the leader. Build your army in whatever way you want to defend your unhatched. 

After each wave, you can add more segments to your army's tail:

Jeeps are great for ramming. A little extra length can go a long way.

Tanks are balanced turrets. They shoot medium damage bullets every couple seconds.

Snipers are long range and hard hitting, to make up for their increased firepower they have a much longer reload time.

Engines allow your entire Snake to move at faster speeds. Don't question how it powers all of them, it is top secret technology.

Dual Drivers give your snake extra braking power and allow your troops to turn on a dime.

Miniguns are a gunner's best friend. They fire an onslaught of bullets into anything that comes into their close range. 

Medics can protect their nearby segments, healing them of any damage they take.

Guards protect nearby segments with a safety bubble. The first enemy that a protected segment crashes into breaks the shield but does not damage the segment. 

Missiles are a highly deadly (and expensive) weapon. They fire a massively damaging missile that explodes on impact. It takes a while to recharge though.

Stingers drop multiple little spikes onto the ground, damaging the first enemy that walks over them.

Puncturers develop much larger spike traps that do more damage and last longer. However, the added pointyness takes longer to generate.

Bombers drop explosives behind them as they travel. The bombs quickly detonate any enemy caught it its radius.

Mine Layers lay mines. Any predator caught stepping on one will quickly meet an explosive end.

Helipads will send out a helicopter to attack anything on the field no matter where you are. Providing great chip damage while you aren't focussing on that enemy

There are a few different predators after your eggs:

The Fox is a standard yet cunning foe. Medium health and medium speed, but with numbers. Don't let too many slip by you or you will soon regret it.

The Boar is a beefy enemy. Massive health with a slow movement speed means you are gonna need to spend a lot of firepower to take these guys down. 

The Mongoose is a swift predator. Low health but extremely quick speeds. Make sure you have some way of dealing with them or they will be at your eggs in no time. 

Survive for as long as you can and maybe you too can find your name up on the leaderboard. Press escape to pause the game and see who's score you have to beat. Those with the highest wave number and fastest time are kept in the hall of fame for their service.

You can also change your movement controls in the pause menu. Switch from directional movement (pressing each direction will always turn the Snake that way) to local turning (left turns counterclockwise, right turns clockwise) or even to follow mouse (Snake always turns to face the mouse).

Will you bolster your snake and become a rammer? Or perhaps get long range weapons and take your foes from afar like an assassin? Or get up close and personal as a major gunner? Or even set deadly traps across the field, destroying all who walk among it as the trapper? Your playstyle is up to you in this strategic survival game. Now get out there soldier and defend our nation!

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