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Mine Blown

Defend your caves from mining invaders

Control an arsenal of explosives from your underground factory to get the best score in this survival/hunt game. Click anywhere on the map to send out an explosive to that location. The explosive will detonate upon reaching the closest point to their target.

You have four explosives at your disposal:

The bomb is a simple digging tool used to clear one block of dirt at a time. It is cheap and easy to send a lot of them. Don't overlook its value

TNT is a much more explosive explosive. It can clear multiple blocks at a time and has the strength to clear away stone blocks as well as dirt. Use it when you need to make your own shortcuts.

The Smoke Bomb provides much needed light to the dark cave. Make sure to keep using them in key locations to be able to see any miner or new caves that have opened.

The Molotov is perfect for shutting down territory. It spreads fire upon detonation for a short while, incinerating any miner unfortunate enough to step in its radius.

The miners have been doing their best to fight back too. They have designed special suits to combat your attacks:

The yellow miner is the standard uniform. Don't underestimate their destructive power though, they are just as much of a pest.

The blue miner has a light weight uniform, allowing them to run much faster than other miners. To compensate, they have far less drilling power. It is best to catch them when they try to dig as they do so much slower than other miners.

The red miner has mastered the elements and no longer is impacted by fire. Molotovs have no effect on this miner. All the fireproofing armor makes red miners a bit more sluggish.

The black miner is a threat when left in the dark. They move and dig extremely quickly. However, a weak point has been discovered in their masks, allowing smoke from your Smoke Bombs to get through. When in smoke they travel much slower and dig at a snail pace.

The white miner is one of the most difficult threats to our caves. They have four total layers of the most advanced body protection. They can't be stopped by fire, or even TNT. The only thing we have found that works is that part of their suit reacts violently with the old gunpowder found in Bombs.

There are two game modes you can play:

In Hunt you must locate and eliminate five miners before they find the surface and escape with their knowledge. We can't have them leaving, find all five as fast as you can. If you manage to eliminate all five you can add your time to the leaderboard.

In Defend mode you must protect three ancient crystals formations. The miners want to grab it for themselves and will not stop until they have their treasure. Survive an endless wave of miners and try to protect the three locations as long as you can. Once one crystal gets destroyed, we've lost, and you can add your time to the leaderboard.

If you want to see who you have to beat, visit the leaderboards in the main menu. Maybe you too can put your name up there.

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